About Us
Our Businesses
For the 52 weeks ending 16 September 2023
Group revenue
Adjusted operating profit*
Operating profit
Profit before tax
Adjusted profit before tax*
Adjusted earnings per share*
Net cash before lease liabilities*
Net debt including lease liabilities*
Gross investment*
Return on average capital employed* (ROACE)
Dividends per share (including special dividend)
Basic earnings per share
*Alternative Performance Measures (APMs) as defined on pages 189 to 191 of the Annual Report.
For the 52 weeks ending 16 September 2023
We use key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure our progress in delivering the successful implementation of our strategy and to monitor our performance.
Revenue is a measure of business growth. Constant currency comparisons are also used to provide greater clarity of performance.
Adjusted profit and earnings measures provide a consistent indicator of performance year-on-year and are aligned with management incentive targets.
The Group’s organic growth objective aims to deliver steady growth in earnings over the long term. Adjusted earnings per share is a key management incentive measure.
A measure of the commitment to the long-term development of the business.
Net cash generated from operating activities is monitored to ensure that profit is converted into cash for future investment and to return to shareholders.
This measure monitors the Group’s liquidity and capital structure and is used to calculate ratios associated with the Group’s banking covenants.
This measure monitors the level of return generated by the Group’s investment in its operating assets. It is also a key part of management incentive targets.
This measure monitors the Group’s financial strength to ensure long-term financial stability. The 2019 figure is given on an IFRS 16 pro forma basis.
The Group’s organic growth objective aims to deliver steady growth in dividends over the long term. This included the payment of a 13.80p and 12.70p special dividend in 2021 and 2023 respectively.
* Impacted by COVID-19 pandemic.
**APMs as defined on pages 189 to 191 of the Annual Report.
Each business develops KPIs relevant to its operations. These are monitored regularly. In the case of adjusted operating profit and return on average capital employed, we use them as metrics to incentivise our management teams.
We use key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure our progress in delivering the successful implementation of our strategy and to monitor our performance.
A measure of the Group’s management of the health and safety of its employees – the number of on-site lost time injuries resulting from an accident arising out of, or in connection with, on-site work activities and the proportion of the full time equivalent workforce experiencing a lost time injury.
Measure of the scale and diversity of our operations. Reflecting all employees in the Group with a contract of employment, whether full-time, part-time, contractor or seasonal worker and highlighting the proportion of our employees that have disclosed their gender as female/woman in line with the local legislation.
This includes farmers that are currently being trained and those that have completed training under the programme.
The amount of ABF Group Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions.
The amount of Primark’s Scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions.
Total energy used and the proportion of which is from renewable sources. Renewable energy is mainly generated on our sites from biogenic sources.
These two measures represent the retail space growth and breadth of Primark’s presence.
Primark Cares products are assessed against Primark’s protocols regarding minimum content levels which will vary by material. These protocols have evolved during the year with products assessed against protocols existing at the date of production.
This measure includes water supplied by third parties or from local water resources.
Δ EY has provided limited independent assurance over the FY23 metrics. See the 2023 ABF Responsibility Report, page 114, for EY’s assurance statement.
* Impacted by COVID-19 pandemic.