About Us
Our Businesses
Across ABF Sugar a culture built on quality and food safety has been embedded with a clear focus on the continual improvement of management systems and processes. This is underpinned by a rigorous approach that targets assurance, control for product quality and food safety, regular auditing and reviews, education, training and investment.
Our sugar businesses in Africa implemented the ‘Quality Way’ in 2023 to drive a step change in ways of working and behaviours. This has delivered a major improvement in ‘Right First Time’ quality for its Malawi business.
In Spain, Azucarera’s Food Safety Culture Plan introduced in 2015 continues to see behaviour change in line with the ethos of quality and food safety. In 2023, this was further enhanced through the creation of a multidisciplinary group within the Miranda de Ebro factory to focus on zones of excellence regarding quality and food safety, and to share the conclusions across the whole business. In 2023/24, the business started a digitalisation project to improve the preventive maintenance of critical food safety facilities. At British Sugar, major efforts over 2023/24 have included achieving certification for the FSSC 22000 Food Safety and Quality Management Standard, while also building on its established ISO 9001 Quality Management standard.
ABF Sugar is keen to play its part in informing and educating people about sugar and the role it can have in a healthy balanced diet. It is committed to providing information so consumers can make informed choices about what they eat.
Making Sense of Sugar is ABF Sugar’s global platform for providing access to information based on robust science and helping to find collaborative solutions to health challenges as part of its commitment to thriving and healthy communities.
In the UK, it partners with the British Nutrition Foundation and draws from the UK Government’s Eatwell Guide to aid consumer understanding. Guidance includes practical suggestions for estimating portion sizes that are easy to follow at home and examples of alternative healthy options to reduce consumption.